Webmasters Note: Club events are now being posted on the "Blog Page".
2013 Club Events
Christmas Party 2013

Steve Iwing in Janet Masters' E-Type

Bill Halstead

Steve Iwing in Janet Masters' E-Type
Huntington Hot Dog Festival 2013

Veterans Day Cruise In at The Golden Corral

Veterans Day Cruise in at Golden Corral

A-H Sprite, MGB and Spitfire

Veterans Day Cruise in at Golden Corral

Summerfest Poster

Summerfest 2013 Poster

Larry Kopelman and his Jaguar XKE

Summerfest Poster
Summerfest 2013
2013 Black Walnut Festival
Open or hover over the Black Walnut Festival flier image and click "Go To Link" at the bottom of the page to view the Black Walnut Festival web site.
The Best of West Virginia Car Show at Tamarack 2013

Bill Michael with his trophy and Tamarack in the background.

Gary and Mary O'Brian's Bug Eye Sprite.

Beamer on his way to the Tamarack show.

Bill Michael with his trophy and Tamarack in the background.
Toys for Tykes

Charleston Boulevard Rod Run and Doo Wop 2013

Cruise to the Radio and Technology Museum in Huntington/Harveytown, WV 2013.

Keith Morgan, Liz Beckett, Charlie, Karla Morgan, Jim Beckett, Rusty Patrick, Jim Patrick, Bill Michael, Dan Blackwood, Pam Blackwood, Claire Blackwood, Maggie Blackwood, Connie Fizer, Roger Rash, Connie Rash, Mark Mason, Larry Kopelman, Don McDowell

Keith Morgan, Liz Beckett, Charlie, Karla Morgan, Jim Beckett, Rusty Patrick, Jim Patrick, Bill Michael, Dan Blackwood, Pam Blackwood, Claire Blackwood, Maggie Blackwood, Connie Fizer, Roger Rash, Connie Rash, Mark Mason, Larry Kopelman, Don McDowell
East Bank HS 60s Reunion

East Bank Reunion Workers

Jim Mark and David

David Bill and Dan. Bill is lighting up the crowd.

East Bank Reunion Workers

Cars of Bill Michael, Jimmy Lee and Mark Mason