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Monthly Meeting & Tour of the Marmet Locks & Dam

Writer: Bill HallBill Hall

We met at the Golden Corral for our regularly scheduled monthly meeting. Ten members showed up. They were Don Fugate, Ken Rubin, who we haven't seen in a while since his fall, Bill Hall, Mark Mason, Bill Michael, Dave Neil, Steve Ewing, Barry McCoy, Larry Koppelman and Dan Blackwood.

Steve commented that he saw a 1980 MGB near Cedar Grove with a "Make Offer" sign on it. If anyone is interested they should call 304-595-1863.

In keeping with our new format, we went around the room giving people a chance to comment on their latest LBC adventure. I told about the belly pan I fabricated with the oil absorbing pad attached. No more oil drips and I'll just change the diaper when I change the oil. Thanks to Kevin Roberts for his help.

I also talked about Ashland Alive. The car show in Ashland KY the first Friday of every month. I was there along with John Riffe, Don Fugate, Bob Waldron and Bill Hall. Kevin Roberts came to the show but experienced a tragedy just as he was coming into the show. A lady backed into his Miata. The damage to the car was minimal but the damage to Kevin was pretty significant. I think we can all identify with Kevin being upset when you think about all the money, time and effort we put into these cars. The Ashland police didn't give the lady a ticket even though it was clearly her fault. That doesn't exactly put out the welcome mat for out of towners.

Paul Mason talked about his MG overheating. Welll, it didn't really overheat. He just thought it did. He kept throwing parts at a problem that didn't really exist. It turned out to be a faulty sensor. I think we've all had similar brain farts.

Barry McCoy mentioned that he spent some quality time with an overdrive unit. It presented some unique challenges but Barry, being the died in the wool british car guy that he is was able to overcome the problems.

We briefly mentioned what may be our biggest cruise of the year. We're going to the Marion VA area to stay at a bed and breakfast owned by one of Richard Stephenson's friends. We intend to drive down on Friday August the 12th. A Bar-B-Q is planned that evening at the bed and breakfast. The next morning we'll get up to what I'm sure will be a delicious breakfast and then cruise the "Claw of the Dragon". Other options exist for those who want to take advantage of them. Bristol Motor Speedway is not far and sounds like a good place for a bunch of car guys to hang out. I think we'll make dinner plans that evening based on the desires of the participants. The next morning it's back home with some great memories and adventures. Stay tuned for more information about this great event.

Barry McCoy and I will be going to the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course near Mansfield, OH for the Vintage Grand Prix from June 24th. through the 26th. This year's featured Marque is MG. Right up Barry's alley since he will be driving his. This is an event that I attend every year and I really enjoy it. There's a British Invasion car show on Saturday and a concourse show on Sunday. Not to mention unfettered access to the race cars, mechanics and drivers. Oh yeah, there's some pretty exciting wheel to wheel racing. These guys don't mess around. They're pretty polite on the track while being very serious about winning.

After the meeting Paul Mason, Larry Koppelman, Steve Ewing, Dave Neil and I went to the Marmet Locks and Dam for a very informative and interesting tour. Did you know that the Corps of Engineers only guarantees that the river depth will be 9 feet? Some of the barges draw as much as 12 feet and I've heard that they sometimes bounce off of the bottom. Bad news for any unsuspecting fish.

Dan Blackwood mentioned the 2017 British V8 meet. It will be held in Lewisburg and hosted by Dan and his brother Jim. Any help club members can provide will be greatly appreciated. It remains to be seen if this is an event that we want to take on as an official club event.


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