We had our monthly meeting at our usual spot. The Golden Corral in Cross Lanes. We had a good turnout and everyone seemed to have a good time. The members who were there are as follows:
Jerry Carpenter
Bill Hall
Jamie Chenoweth
Bill Michael
Mark Mason
Scott Evans
Charles & Cindra Justice
Steve Ewing
Dave Neil
Richard Reese
Barry McCoy
George White
Richard Stephenson
Larry Kopelman
Bill Halstead
Jamie let us know that we had $1250.00 in the treasury and 42 paid members.
We changed the format of our meetings slightly to satisfy requests from the membership. We did upcoming events first.
They are:
Car Show at TGI Fridays this evening
Pistons & Pints this Thursday at the Fly-In Cafe in Lesage hosted by Bill Hall
Back of the Dragon Cruise begins this Friday with Richard Stephenson as the organizer and host. Those going on the cruise are:
Barry McCoy
David Neil
Bill Hall
Charles & Cindra Justice
Mark & Connie Mason
Richard & Janet Stephenson
Larry Bailey's "Around the Other Mound Car Show" is Saturday the 20th. This is a, not to be missed, show. Larry is a great friend of the club and has been organizing shows for about 20 years. He certainly knows what he is doing. This show is in competition with the South Charleston show but we have decided to support Larry and go to this show.
Gateway Church's Car Show in St. Albans is the 27th of this month. This is Richard Reese's church and he is one of the sponsors. This is the first show for them and the proceeds go to support their mission in Haiti. We want to support this show as well.
Jackson Ohio British Car Show is Sept. 4th. This is a show that we went to last year and it was great fun. It's hosted by Greg and Kay Erwin at their home in Jackson Ohio. Last year most of the cars were from the Jackson area and they were tickled to death that we showed up. There were about 20 British cars and motorcycles parked on the grass in front of his Tudor style home. Greg and a couple of his friends judged the cars and everyone won some sort of prize. In addition to the cars they had some delicious Bar-B-Que and all the fixins. Everyone in attendance brought a covered dish so there was more than enough food. Greg also made his pool available to anyone who wanted to cool off. I'll be going to this show and I know several other club members will be going as well.
The Golden Oldies Fall Car Show is Sept. 5th. at the state Capitol parking lot. This is a very good show and I know some of us will attend. I plan to be there.
Our new business only had a few items but they are pretty important.
It's time to elect new officers for the upcoming year. Please think of who you would like to lead our club and contact them to make sure they are willing to serve before you offer their name into consideration. Offices to be filled are; President, now held by Dan Blackwood, Vice President, now held by me, Bill Michael, Secretary, now held by Scott Evans, and Treasurer now held by Jamie Chenoweth.
I know it seems early but It's time to think about the Christmas Party. Charles and Cindra Justice, who hosted one of our Pistons and Pints meetings, is willing, with the permission of the partners, to host the Christmas Party at their offices in Northgate Business Park. It's the offices of the law firm Hill, Peterson, Carper, Bee & Deitzler. It's a beautiful facility and as usual, we will each bring a covered dish in addition to whatever catering we have done. This has worked well in the past and should save Charles & Cindra some work. Just have this in mind for now and know that it's coming up.
The East Bank High School all class reunion will be Sept. 23rd at the Beni Kedem Temple in Charleston. We have once again been invited to tend bar and staff the registration table. This is always a great time. The Esquires will be playing and ya just can't beat their music. More to come on this in September.
We discussed the Charleston Boulevard Rod Run & Doo Wop. Last year we were a trophy sponsor but got very little for our $250.00. Therefore, we will not be a sponsor this year. At our September meeting we need to discuss who will be going and how we want to handle the parking situation. We normally get in line at about 4:00AM, yes I said 4:00AM, to get a decent parking place. My favorite is in front of Shoney's, under the trees. More to come in September.
That's it for now, see you at Pistons & Pints.