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October Picnic and Monthly Meeting

Writer: Bill HallBill Hall

The meeting began after we ate.1:00pm

Those in attendance were:

Dan Blackwood

Don Gross

Sharon Gross

Jim Blackwood

Edith Blackwood

Mathew Blackwood

Nathan Arnett

Connie Mason

Mark Mason

Charles Justice

Cindy Justice

Frank Schuler

Rick Ray

Prema Ray

Larry Stonestreet

Kevin Roberts

Jennifer Roberts

Richard Stephenson

Larry Kopelman

Chris Kopelman

Jim Patrick

Barry McCoy

Ken Rubin

Bill Michael

Gayle Michael

Steve Ewing

The Christmas party will be held at HPCB&D on a Friday evening in Dec. thanks to Charles and Cindy Justice.


President - Bill Michael nominated by Steve Ewing

Vice President - Kevin Roberts nominated by Rick Ray

Secretary - Bill Hall nominated by Dave Neil

Treasurer - Jamie C. nominated by Bill Michael

Barry McCoy moved to close

NAMGB Register - we need 8 members to maintain our liability insurance through them. We have 5. The club will buy 3 memberships and possibly 8 membership. We would then sell the memberships to our members. Barry McCoy & Mark Mason expressed a willingness to join. Nate Arnett mentioned that the magazine was very good.

Mark M. will coordinate the fall drive on Sunday the16th. It will also be Pistons & Pints. Perhaps to Hinton and eat at Kirks on the river.

Doo Wop - Richard Stephenson has talked with Jack Jarvis and we may be able to work out a better parking arrangement for next year.

Bill Michael mentioned that Larry Bailey will be at the Courtyard hotel on Saturday and Sunday of the Doo Wop. He will have a hospitality suite in room 225 and invited our members to come and register for the Around the Other Mound car show next year. Registration is still only $10.00.

Treasures report

$1600 in the bank.

$408.00 Total profit from the East Bank Reunion.

Adjourn - Dave Neil

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