West Virginia British Car Club
November Meeting: 11/5/2016 9:30 AM at the Golden Corral, Crosslanes, WV.
Between 9:30 and 10 AM the meeting was called to order by Bill Michael, conducting the meeting in place of Dan Blackwood, who could not be present.
The following were in attendance: Ken Rubin, Jim Patrick, Wm Hall, Mark Mason, Kevin Roberts, Dave Neil, Bill Michael, Charles & Cindi Justice, Nathan Arnette, Richard Stephenson, Don Gross, Barry McCoy & Steve Ewing.
Bill led a discussion of upcoming events:
- Veterans Day Parade:
This coming Friday, will be the 75th year of the parade. Discussed the possibility of making magnetic signs for our cars.
- Pistons & Pints:
No volunteers to host for November, will send out email next week in this regard.
- Christmas Party:
To be held December 10th 6:00PM hosted by Charles & Cindi Justice at the law firm of Hill, Peterson, Carper, Bee & Deitzler, PLLC. There will be entertainment . The club already has some Beer & Wine left over from the East Bank HS reunion. An email will go out to confirm attendance.
- WV International Car Show - Charleston Civic Center
- World of Wheels – Huntington Big Sandy Superstore Arena
- Golden Oldies Spring Car Show – State Capitol
- Summer picnic:
To be at Steve Doty’s next year
- Graffiti in the Park Car Show – Ritter Park, Huntington
- British V8 Meet in Lewisburg:
June 7-11, 2107, Dan & Jim Blackwood, possible club involvement
- Around the Mound Car Show – Shawnee Park
- Golden Oldies Fall Car Show – State Capitol
-Greenbrier Concours:
Sept 22-24, 2017 Bill Michaels exploring ways we may be involved as a club.
- SVBCC British British Car Festival:
Waynesboro, VA Oct 6-7, 2017 – Bill Michael expressed interest in attending even though it conflicts with 2017 Doo-Wop Show.
- Doo-Wop – Charleston Oct 4-8, 2017
Election of Officers:
Slate of officers for the next 2 year term are:
Bill Michael – President
Kevin Roberts – Vice President
William Hall – Secretary (Charles Justice – Back Up during tax season)
Jamie Chenowith – Treasurer
Ken Rubin moved that the nominees be accepted, seconded by Dave Neil. Motion carried.
New Business:
- Richard Stephenson discussed MGC Registry meet coming up 9/29 to 10/1, 2017 in Abingdon, VA. This will be the 50th anniversary. An invitation will be made to all other British makes to participate.
- NAMGBR Update: Barry McCoy has signed up, two more members required. Mark Mason expressed interest
Adjourned around 10:30 and commenced with “kick the tire” sessions.
Respectfully submitted,
William Hall, Secretary