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May Meeting Minutes

Cindra Justice

WV British Car Club

Minutes of Meeting

May 6th, 2017

Golden Corral, Cross Lanes, WV

The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Kevin Roberts.

Fifteen members were in attendance: Kevin Roberts, Jim Lee, Dave Neil, Dan Blackwood, Steve Ewing, Jamie Chenoweth, Mark Mason, Larry Stonestreet, George White, Larry Kopelman, Ken Rubin, Nathan Arnett, Alex Watt, Charlie Justice and Cindra Justice.

Old business discussed:

Upcoming British V-8 picnic - Dan Blackwood stated registration closed May 1st, however, they will accept late registrations. You also can participate in other events but don’t have to attend the whole weekend.

New Business discussed:

1. Jamie Chenoweth gave a Treasurer’s Report of $1,666.00. We have 38 paid members.

2.Kevin mentioned we are looking for someone to take care of the Facebook Page. No takers on that one!

3. Jack Jarvis with the Doo Wop is asking if the club would like to sponsor a trophy this year. The cost would be $250.00. In return for doing that, the club would have access to the Casci parking lot on Saturday and Sunday. Everyone seemed interested in doing that. Kevin and Bill will finalize the deal.

4. The Ohio River Memorial River Drive is May 27th. It is a 240 mile trip. It was thought members might not want to drive the full 240 miles, but meet the others somewhere and drive part of the way. There is a $20 entry fee to cover expenses. The proceeds go to benefit victims of Mesothelioma.

5. May 20th is the St. Albans car show, put on by the Mustang Club. Also, that day is a parade in South Charleston. To participate in that, please meet at 11:15 am at the old Evans Lumber store, to line up.

6. May 21st is the Golden Oldies Car Show at the capitol.

7. Dan Blackwood mentioned May 27th – June 3rd is British Car Week. He suggested driving your British car that week to draw attention to it.

8. June 4th at Ritter Park, in Huntington, is Graffiti in the Park. Another car show.

9. June 2nd & 3rd is the Moss Motors Fest in Petersburg, Va.

10. Steve Ewing suggested we go to Larry’s show then on to the Mustang Club show.

11. Hawk’s Nest Drive will be this Saturday May 13th. Meet at the lot across from the Exxon station, close to the capitol at 9 am. Possibly do the Glen Farris Inn for lunch.

12. Larry Kopleman mentioned doing the East Bank Reunion again this year. It is a good money maker for the club. It is September 29th starting at 5.

13. Dan Blackwood won the door prize.

Meeting adjourned.

Cindra Justice


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