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August Meeting Minutes

William Hall

August Meeting Minutes

WV British Car Club

Minutes of Meeting

August 12, 2017

Golden Corral, Cross Lanes, WV

Members Present were: Barry McCoy, David Neil, Jim Patrick, Jimmy Lee, Charles & Cindra Justice, Mark Mason, Bill Michael, Kevin Roberts, Dan Blackwood, Steve Doty, Ken Rubin, Don Fugate, Steve Ewing, Jim Schuman, Larry Kopleman, and William Hall

The meeting was called to order by President, Bill Michael at 9:35AM.

Bill Michael opened the meeting by giving a report on the British car show in Dayton, Ohio attended by several of our members this past Saturday (Aug 5). Our club was well represented. Of the 6 attending, 4 came home with awards, and this is out of 277 total entries to the show.

Bill expressed a prayer concern for a fellow member, Frank Schuler, who is undergoing cancer treatments in Boston, as well as a celebration for Steve Ewing, for successful heart surgery.

Old business discussed:

Bill Michael reported, on behalf of the treasurer, that there is currently $1,800 in the club treasury.

Bill Michael reported that he attended the Cincinnati British car show July 9th. He won the longest drive award. Also, a non-member from Huntington, WV won the best Tr3 award.

Doo Wop car show, Oct 6,7 & 8: We are a sponsor again this year, primarily to give our members access to the CASCI parking lot, which is located in the middle of all the activities. In order to use the lot, each member must register his car and pay the entrance fee. Kevin Roberts & Bill Michael will be working the swap meet.

Jimmy Lee and Ken Rubin attended the “Ride for Fallen Service Heroes” July 8th. It is a Harley Owner’s Group ride, however, vintage cars were welcomed to join in. Several hundred bikes were part of the ride.

Mention was made of the upcoming MGC Registry convention to be held in Abingdon, Virginia. This is the 50th anniversary of the Registry. The event is to be held September 29th through October 2nd.

New business discussed:

Dan Blackwood announced that the British V8 meet for 2018 will be held in Dayton,

Ohio. Also, there is a movement to establish a British car museum in Dayton.

Several members discussed making name tags for each of the members. These would be plastic with the club logo and the member`s name embossed, and could be used at meetings, car shows and other club functions. The unanswered question was, who is to pay, the club or the member? Bill Michael is to do some checking into the cost, and there will be more discussion once more information is available.

Jim Sturgeon, now living in Florida, is selling several of his British cars.

We have a new member, Mark Robinson, from Huntington. He owns a nice, unrestored Tr6.

On August 26th, there will be an auction in Spencer of the estate of an individual’s sizable car collection and other items such as car lifts, tools, etc.

Scott Evans is selling his 77 MGB.

Bill Michael led a discussion of the possibility of inviting John Twist, a noted British car expert from Michigan, to do a 2 day seminar in our area next year. The cost would be $2,500. He will get more information for further discussion at next months meeting.

A British car show is to be held the first Saturday in October at Waynesboro, VA. All Studebaker owners have been encouraged to attend due to it’s connection to British car makers.

August 19th, next Saturday, is the “Around the Other Mound” car show at Shawnee Park in Institute. We will be constructing a canopy Friday evening, and plan to park our members British cars around the canopy. As we want to make a good showing, as many member’s cars as possible are needed.

Barry McCoy mentioned the upcoming British car show at Greg Ervin’s home in Jackson, Ohio on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend. The Ervin’s have been gracious hosts of the show, and mention was made of making Mr. & Mrs. Ervin honorary members of our club and presenting them with club T-Shirts. Several members expressed interest in attending this year.

Today several members are traveling to Gallipolis, Ohio for a car show to be held at the city park

Barry McCoy mentioned he has an abundance of club T-Shirts, and mentioned selling these at our cost, or at a reduced price. Bill Michael suggested $10 each. Barry will bring more of the T-Shirts with him to the next meeting.

President Michael adjourned the meeting at 10:30AM to the parking lot for the customary tire kicking and kibitzing.

Wm Hall, Secretary


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