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September 2018 Meeting Minutes

William Hall

September Meeting Minutes

WV British Car Club

Minutes of Meeting

September 1, 2108

Golden Corral, Cross Lanes, WV

Members Present were: Bill Michael, Dan Blackwood, Barry McCoy, David Neil, Larry Stonestreet, Kevin Roberts, Jamie Chenoweth, Charles & Cindra Justice, Steve Ewing, Richard Stephenson, Mark White, Mark Mason, Don Fugate, Nathan Arnett, Larry Kopelman, William Hall.

The meeting was called to order by President, Bill Michael at 9:45AM. He welcomed all attending members; no new members in attendance.

Bill opened the meeting by asking for volunteers for an associate secretary to fill in during the months of January to April when Wm Hall, the secretary, is working weekends (tax season). Cindra Justice agreed to serve.

Next Bill led a discussion regarding possible discounts available to us as a club from the various auto parts stores. Dan Blackwood mentioned Advanced Auto and the potential of receiving discount coupons online that could be redeemed with purchases. Rock Auto (online) is the best way beat their prices, however, you must be certain of what you are ordering. Inquiring of the salesman for discounts may help if you have a specific price from a competitor. Mark Mason mentioned Wal-Mart for batteries and tires. Generic batteries can be purchased there for $50; you will need the dimensions of your battery box and placement of the positive and negative leads. The batteries have a one year guarantee. He has also purchased tires there at a discount.

The discussion turned to finding sources for various trinkets for the club, branded with our logo, to be given out or sold at various times and events. Links for these items could be added to our website. Bill asked for a volunteer to coordinate contact with various vendors to find the best deals for our club. No one volunteered, thus, it was tabled for now.

Bill noted that our club is a member of the NAMGB Register, and as a member we have our liability insurance through them. He noted also that all the various British marques have registry associations and that it may be beneficial for our club to be listed as a chapter on their websites. Barry McCoy agreed to research several of these to determine

how many individual members would be required to form a local chapter. Richard Stephenson noted that North American MG Magazine contains a (2) page listing of various organizations. He agreed to contact the publisher to ascertain how our club could be included in this listing.

Jamie Chenoweth, treasurer, noted that we currently have $1,480 in our bank account. Richard Stephenson inquired as to the policy of reimbursements to members for sponsoring an event. Bill Michael explained the reimbursements were mainly for largely attended events such as the Xmas Party, Summer Cookouts, etc. where significant cost is assumed by the sponsor. Mark White added that such events are a reason we have club dues so as to offset the costs.

Bill lead a discussion of upcoming car shows:

Jackson, OH British car & bike show hosted by Greg & Kay Ervin, Sunday, September 2nd. Bring a covered dish or dessert. Meet at the parking lot near the I64 exit to Route 35 at 10:30AM.

It was noted that Dr. Frank Shuler recently purchased a Maybach. Only 150 built, is an approx. $1 Mil car.

There is a car show today at Kanawha State Forest.

Oak Hill car show this Sunday, the Esquires are playing.

Mark White suggested a route for a potential cruise: Elkview to Clendenin to Clay, WV. The road has recently been resurfaced; a good pizza place to eat at Mt. Nebo on Route 16. Potentially to schedule for a Saturday in September.

This coming Monday (Labor Day) there is the Golden Oldies Car Show at the Capitol Complex parking lot.

Waynesboro, VA car show sponsored by the Shenandoah Valley British Car Club is to be on October 5th & 6th. The Waynesboro Day’s Inn is the host hotel and still has rooms available. Several members have indicated they will attend and will drive there on Friday afternoon. A dinner is to be held Friday evening (with a shuttle available to the country club of the dinner) and car show Saturday. Last year they had 165 cars spread over a 35 – 40 acre area.

Due to several of the members attending the Waynesboro show, it was agreed that the October meeting will be Thursday, October 4th PM in conjunction with Pistons & Pints. A new place was suggested (The Bucket), a barbeque place on Roxalana Road; will determine location for certain later.

Bill noted that it is time to elect officers: the October meeting will be for nominations, November for the vote, and new officers to take office starting with the December meeting.

East Bank Reunion: the WVBCC will be tending bar once again for the EB Reunion to be held on Friday evening, September 28th. Several members have indicated they will be there to help with the bar, registration (or whatever is needed). Jamie Chenoweth and Dave Neil to get beer and soft drinks; Kevin Roberts to get wine. Will have a $500 change fund. As in past years, we should get around $500 for our efforts in contributions from the attendees.

Nathan Arnett noted that he recently attended the national MGB gathering in Louisville, KY. Next year’s event is to be held in Traverse City Upper Peninsula Michigan, and 2020 in Atlantic City.

President Michael adjourned the meeting at 10:45AM for the after meeting kibitzing session in the parking lot.

Wm Hall, Secretary


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