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November Meeting Minutes

William Hall

November Meeting Minutes

WV British Car Club

Minutes of Meeting

November 3, 2108

Golden Corral, Cross Lanes, WV

Members Present were: Bill Michael, Dan Blackwood, Barry McCoy, David Neil, Kevin Roberts, Charles & Cindra Justice, Steve Ewing, Richard Stephenson, Mark Mason, Don Fugate, Larry Kopleman, Steve Doty, Ken Rubin, Don & Susan Jeffers, Jim Patrick, Jack & Beverly Sampson, Charles Hypes, Mark Robinson, Bob Wright, Wes Holiday, Gil Frederick, William Hall.

The meeting was called to order by President, Bill Michael at 9:30AM. He welcomed all attending members, including new members Jack & Beverly Sampson.

The first order of business was the election of officers for the next year from the slate nominated at the last meeting: Bill Michael, President; Kevin Roberts, Vice-President, Jamie Chenoweth, Treasurer; William Hall, Secretary. The vote was unanimous.

Bill Michael gave a brief treasurer’s report, in the absence of Jamie Chenoweth, stating that we now have $2,329.08 in our bank account. He also noted that we should start paying our dues for 2019.

Next he led a discussion of obtaining discounts for the purchase of auto parts at local vendors: If we inquire about lower prices, Advanced Auto will apparently give their lowest price, plus match prices with other vendors. They also give a 25% discount for online orders picked up at the store. Veterans discounts are also available (Auto Zone does this as well).

Xmas Party: Bill opened a discussion of the upcoming Christmas Party, to be held once again at the law offices of Hill, Petersen, Carper, Bee & Deitzler. Cindra Justice confirmed that the partners of the firm have graciously agreed to allow us to use their facilities (she also invited the partners to join us). The club will supply the meat, soft drinks, beer & wine (with a budget of $500). Cindra Justice will have Bill email a sign-up sheet to the members for other food items to bring. The club also voted to spend $75 for the lady the firm uses for clean-up. We will once again have the White-Elephant exchange.

Bill next led a discussion of the club purchasing various accessory items such as T-shirts, caps, Polo shirts, cups, license plate frames, etc. Various sources were discussed, along with minimum orders. Also, the possibility of the club giving a shirt or hat to a new member. The consensus settled on a discounted price of $5.00 for a T-shirt or hat, and set the selling price of the accessory item to others to basically cover our cost. Bill is to send out an email to the membership soliciting interest in particular items before ordering.

Pistons & Pints: to be held Thursday, November 15th at the Bohnhof Biergarten in Huntington (corner of 8th Street and 7th Avenue at 6:00PM.

National Organization Liaisons: Bill went over the various national organizations our club members belong to and assigned contact members:

- North American MG Register – Nathan Arnett

- Triumph Register - Rick Ray

- Six Pack Car Club – Wm Hall

- American MGC Register Association – Richard Stephenson

Waynesboro Car Show: Bill Michael related his and Barry McCoy’s experience at the recent Waynesboro, Va. British Car Show. Bill took 2nd place in is class, about 150 cars were in attendance, Bill & Barry attended a banquet on Friday night. The show is comparable to the Dayton, Ohio show that several of our members have attended.

Ken Rubin encouraged the members to participate in the upcoming Veterans Day Parade in Charleston, November 11th at 10AM.

International Car Show: no information yet as to the possibility of our members participating with their cars as in past years. The show may be all on one floor this year, due to changes in the ongoing Civic Center renovations.

Bill gave a brief update on the condition of our member Frank Shuler.

Having no additional business to discuss, Bill adjourned the meeting at 10:30AM for further kibitzing in the parking lot.

Wm Hall, Secretary


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