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June Meeting Minutes

William Hall

June Meeting Minutes

WV British Car Club

Minutes of Meeting

June 1, 2019

Golden Corral, Cross Lanes, WV

Members Present were: Kevin Roberts, Dan Blackwood, Jim Blackwood (and his son Mat Blackwood), Don & Susan Jeffers, David Neal, Mark Mason, Barry McCoy, Nathan Arnett, Sam Gibson, Bob Wright, Larry Kopleman, Charles Justice, Steve Ewing, Jim Schuman, Richard Stephenson, William Hall.

The meeting was called to order by Vice President, Kevin Roberts (filling in for President Bill Michael) at approximately 9:30AM.

Kevin led a discussion of the past month’s activities and upcoming events:

Several of our members participated in South Charleston’s parade honoring our Veterans on May 16th. Afterwards the club had its annual cruise to Hawk’s Nest followed by a late luncheon at the Pies & Pints in Fayetteville.

May’s Piston’s & Pints was at the Fly-In Café. About 25 participated. Apparently too many like the ribs served there as they ran out.

The club and others had a surprise birthday party for Kevin Roberts at Roca’s Mexican Grill in Cross Lanes. About 35 were in attendance.

Upcoming Car Shows & Events:

British V8 Annual Meeting – Wytheville, VA June 2 through the 6th. A group will be driving there on mountain roads starting at 10:30AM from Greenbrier Street in Charleston. There will be several cruises at the meet, including a drive over the “Back of the Dragon”.

1st Annual Harold Given Memorial Car Show – June 8th at the Marmet Ballfield

June’s Pistons & Pints will be a cookout at Kevin’s Shop (KARS) in Dunbar. We have invited several members of the North American MGB Registry from a North Carolina club that are passing through Charleston on their way to the 2019 annual meet in Traverse City, Michigan, to join us for the evening. Tentatively, the time will be 6PM

Some upcoming events in the planning stage were discussed:

Charley Justice, our Cruise Director, is working on a cruise to the Wild Horse Restaurant in Pomeroy, OH, a popular destination for motorcycle and car groups. A visit to a restoration shop in Racine was mentioned along with this cruise.

He also noted a potential cruise down US Route 60 to Carter Caves, KY. It would be about a three hour trip from Charleston to Carter City, KY.

There will be a cruise-in tonight at HIMG’s parking lot at the 29th street exit of I64.

Sunday , June 2nd is the annual Ritter Park, Huntington car show. Several of our members will be there.

Other Items:

Website & Facebook Page: We may have a volunteer (a new member) to update and maintain our facebook page.

Our Website needs updating as well, in particular the member pictures with their cars.

Our new member, Sam Gibson introduced himself. He owns a 76 Tr6 (original owner) (Pimento Red) and a 03 Mini Cooper. Welcome Sam!

Kevin brought up a proposal for a “New Member Committee” with the purpose of reaching out to recent new members with information, and maybe a give-away item or two, to make them feel welcome to the club and to encourage their active participation. No one volunteered to chair this committee, although it was suggested that the Executive Committee (Pres, V Pres, Treasurer, Secretary) could coordinate this.

It was also mentioned that we need to update our T-Shirt design. Barry has T-Shirts, but supply is getting limited.

Nathan Arnett mentioned the Moss Motors Challenge wherein you obtain their “Points Guide”, then drive your British car to places noted on the points guide and take a photo of yourself, a Moss catalog cover, and a landmark noted in the guide. For a minimum of 25 points you could get a free Moss hat. You could possibly win up to a $250 gift certificate. This could be a fun thing to do if we could coordinate with a club activity.

Vice President Roberts adjourned the meeting at 10:15AM for the customary after meeting kibitzing session.

Wm Hall, Secretary


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