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August Meeting Minutes

William Hall

August Meeting Minutes

WV British Car Club

Minutes of Meeting

August 3, 2019

Golden Corral, Cross Lanes, WV

Members Present were: Nathan Arnett, Kevin Roberts, Don & Susan Jeffers, David Neal, Mark Mason, Barry McCoy, Roger McCoy, Bob Wright, Larry Kopleman, Steve Ewing, Don Fugate, Ken Rubin, Bill Michael, Steve Reed, George White, Mark White, Jamie Chenowith, Charles & Cindra Justice, Jim Schuman, William Hall.

The meeting was called to order by Bill Michael, President, at approximately 9:35AM.

As there was a new member present (Roger McCoy, Barry’s brother) Bill had each member give his name and what British car(s) they owned.

Recent Events: David Neal recounted the Pistons & Pints event at the Quaker State restaurant on Corridor G in July. About 20 to 25 attended and several British cars. Food and service was good.

Mark Mason asked about the possibility of the club putting on its own car show, as it has been some time since the club did this. A tentative date was set of Saturday October 19th at the parking lot of the Beni Kedem Shrine in Charleston. There was a discussion of obtaining door prizes from local business’s such as Harbor Freight and Advance Auto. Several members agreed to assist with the planning.

Also, there was a discussion on doing an event at the Barboursville Veterans Home this year. No date was set however.

Bill then led a discussion of upcoming events:

August Events:

This afternoon will be a car show at the Mallory Airport, just outside South Charleston. David Chenowith has a hanger there and invited the club members to use the hanger to escape the sun. Several in the club are planning to drive up to the show at noon.

Dayton British Car Show – August 10th at the Eastwood Metro Park. Several members are driving up Thursday afternoon in order to visit the Wright-Patterson Museum on Friday and attend the show on Saturday. Those traveling on Thursday will meet at the “Park & Ride” parking lot near the Scott Depot I64 exit at 1PM.

Pistons & Pints for August: Bill asked for a volunteer for August. He reminded the members that the purpose of the event was to have a mid-month get-together at a member’s home, a restaurant, or some other venue. As no volunteers came forward, Bill will come up with a venue or take suggestions from members.

September Events:

Sunday, September 1st: At the Ervin’s home in Jackson, OH for their annual British Car gathering. They usually send out information in August on this event and it will be forwarded to the membership when available.

Saturday, September 14th: Charlie Justice is planning a cruise down Route 60 to Carter Caves, KY. Will determine if we want to do a picnic type lunch or have lunch in the Lodge facility.

Thursday, September 19th: Ken Rubin will host a “Low Country Boil” at his home. This will be the September Pistons & Pints.

Friday, September 27th: We will be tending bar once again for the East Bank Reunion at the Beni Kedem Shrine in Charleston as a fund raiser for the club.

October Events:

Saturday, October 5th: Myrtle Beach Britfest 2019 Car & Motorcycle Show at the Market Common (which is near the old Air Force Base). Several members are planning to make the trip.

Saturday, October 19th: Tentatively, WV British Car Club show – see above.

Bill Michael noted that these events can be found on the club’s calendar located on the WVBCC website’s home page.

President Michael adjourned the meeting at approximately 10:30AM to the parking lot for some tire-kicking and kibitzing then up to the Mallory Airport car show.

Wm Hall, Secretary


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